
Brace Urself!!! High-end nonsense inside... :=)))

Monday, February 2, 2009

Slogging blues

Warning : Sloggers will lose their identity…


One entry found.

Main Entry:

1slog           Listen to the pronunciation of 1slog





Inflected Form(s):

slogged; slog·ging


origin unknown



transitive verb 1 : to hit hard : beat 2 : to plod (one's way) perseveringly especially against difficulty intransitive verb 1 : to plod heavily : tramp <slogged through the snow> 2 : to work hard and steadily : plug

slog·ger noun

Hope u guys would have guessed what this blog is all about by now.

What do u get by slogging?

There is a straight and simple answer for this… NOTHING…

Then why do people slog…

Still I don’t know why in this so-called fast moving world, there are some who still drive in a bullock cart.

This sect which I am talking about has a principle.

“Slogging solves all issues”

But I strongly believe slogging slows u down. It kills the spirit in u.


If u finish a task by slogging, u clearly leave an impression to others that u can complete the task in lesser time. By this ur deadlines are shortened.

To be successful in this run, u surely have to be FAST & CONSISTENT. The days of SLOW & STEADY are all gone.

And to maintain the pace, u will slog a bit more. The more the consistent u look the more the noose tightens around ur neck.

Let me give u a peek of the after effects…

· U wont be able to make it up to the friends parties.

·· U will stop contacting them.

·· Even ur timely mails like “Hey!!! Wassup!!!”, “Hows life” would halt.

· Slowly ur friends lose u. (not intentional though… just practical…)

· U will become a night crawler.

· U would rather participate in the family affairs over phone. (though u stay with them.)

· Those cheeky chat sessions with ur family & friends is lost forever.

· Slowly u lose ur family. (they are not responsible though…)

· U become a paying guest in ur own family.

· More importantly, U wont have time for urself.

· Ur food habits chages.

· Ur health will detoriate without ur knowledge.

· Ur body clock functions but can never guarantee its battery life.

· Ur taste will die... especially ur dressing sense… ;=)

· Forget about ur body shape, even an earthen pot looks gud… :=P

In short, ur personality is all screwed up.

U may think that u would be very successful in ur professional life. U would always be called a ‘PERFORMER’.

U think so… better give it a thought…

Every thing in life has a saturation point.

Once u reach it, the whole picture changes.

U feel stressed as u require something else in life which u don’t know what but is missing.

Slowly, ur performance degrades.

The whole community which called u a performer starts showing its naked face.

By the time u could retaliate both ur professional and social life would have been screwed up.

Here, I am not insisting on taking sides or making choices.

In this case all u need is a TRADEOFF.

Don't ever let the situation dominate u. Be assertive.

Let the white light pass through the prism to disperse rainbow rather than passing it through the shit hole…

U can earn the lost money but not the lost seconds.

Guys, so better think before u slog.

There are some who like watching others slog…

I don’t have any clues on where to position these freaks though… :=P

Even in cricket sloggers can never sustain… :=) They can hit some quick runs but never will have the class…

Wake up and act smart.

1 comment:

pallavi said...

very true...u should send this link to 'You-Know-Who' !!!